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Helgi's Point - Median Age Of Population

Language: Czech / English
Provider: 2013
Pages: 1
Humans are getting old. They live on average for 32 years in Swaziland and 83 years in Japan. Average life expectancy has grown from around 26 years in the Bronze Age to 48 years in 1955 and 67 years in 2010 and is expected to reach 73 years in 2025. At the same time, fewer childern are born per woman. Some 2.3 children would have to be born per woman for global population growth to trend towards zero, but the ratio has dropped to below 1.5 in the most deveoped countries in the recent years. A a result, population gets old on average. A typical Czech wil be 41 years old in 2015, according to the UN's estimates, compared to the figure of only 35 years seen in 1990. As we live longer (life expectancy has increased from 73 years in 1990 to nearly 78 years now) and fewer children are born, share of people aged over 65 years old will increase to 17% of the total population in 2015. Czechs belong among the oldest nations in Central Europe, just behind Hungary, which already faces declining population growth prospects.
Society | Czechia | March 12, 2013
Excel Sheet, 1 pages