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Bulgarian Demographics

Language: English
Provider: Helgi Library
Pages: 8
The report describes the key trends in Bulgarian society, including forecasts. Most of the key statistics are presented in comparison with other CEE countries and more developed economies. You should get a basic idea of how old Bulgarians are, or will be in a couple of years’ time, what the proportions of the younger or older generations are, how many people live in cities or in the countryside, how long the average male or female might expect to live, or how large the average household in Bulgaria is now or was two decades ago. In addition, we try to describe how pleasant Bulgaria is to live in through a comparison of poverty rates, migration, or security, or how addicted Bulgarians are in terms of alcohol consumption or smoking. You will also get a big picture about how much Bulgarians spend and invest into education or healthcare and how good or bad Bulgarians are in these areas compared to the rest of the world. Last, the report describes the basic characteristics of food consumption, such as how many vegetables or how much fruit, meat, or cheese Bulgarians eat per capita on average, or how much beer or wine they drink a year.
Society | Bulgaria | February 01, 2013
Excel Sheet, 8 pages