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Who Had the Most Bad Loans Among Erste Bank Group in 2017?

Top Banks by Number of Employees
Banking | September 29, 2023
Excel Sheet

Based on a comparison of 11 banks among Erste Bank Group in 2017, Erste Group Bank had the most employees, followed by Ceska Sporitelna and Banca Commerciala Romana.

Erste Group Bank employed 47,702 persons in 2017, up 1.42% when compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank's workforce hit an all time high of 50,526 persons in 2008 and an all time low of 45,670 in 2013.

Average cost reached 4,173 per month per employee, 0.677% more than a year ago.

Comparing Erste Group Bank with its closest peers, Ceska Sporitelna had 10,248 employees with average cost of 2,840 per person, Banca Commerciala Romana operated with 7,265 people (and 1,858 per employee) and Slovenska Sporitelna had 4,250 employees in 2017 with cost 4,250 per head.

You can see all the banks employees data on the Employees indicator page or you can download a report on the Erste Bank Group banks in the reports section.