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Who Had the Most Bad Loans Among Indonesian Financials in 2019?

Top Banks by Number of Employees
Indonesia | March 8, 2020
Excel Sheet

Based on a comparison of 19 banks among Indonesian Financials in 2019, Bank Rakyat had the most employees, followed by Bank Mandiri and Bank Central Asia.

Bank Rakyat employed 60,553 persons in 2019, down 0% when compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank's workforce hit an all time high of 60,683 persons in 2017 and an all time low of 29,957 in 2000.

Average cost reached 30,859,000 per month per employee, 0% less than a year ago. This figure was 15,036,400 some 10 years ago.

Comparing Bank Rakyat with its closest peers, Bank Mandiri had 39,065 employees with average cost of 36,735,900 per person, Bank Central Asia operated with 25,877 people (and 42,950,800 per employee) and Bank Negara had 24,842 employees in 2019 with cost 24,842 per head.

You can see all the banks employees data on the Employees indicator page or you can download a report on the Indonesian Financials banks in the reports section.