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Who Was the Most Profitable Among Raiffeisen New Europe in 2017?

Top Banks by Net Profit (HRK mil)
Banking | August 8, 2023
Excel Sheet

Based on a comparison of 11 banks among Raiffeisen New Europe, Raiffeisen Bank Int. produced the highest net profit in 2017, followed by Raiffeisenbank Russia and Raiffeisenbank Czech Republic.

Raiffeisen Bank Int. made a net profit of HRK 8,604 mil, up 188% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of HRK 8,665 mil in 2006 and an all time low of HRK -1,650 mil in 2014. The average profit in the last five years amounted to HRK 3,413 mil.

The bank generated an average return on equity of 4.64% for its shareholders in the last five years with a maximum of 11.2% and a minimum of -2.33%.

Comparing Raiffeisen Bank Int. with its closest peers, Raiffeisenbank Russia generated a net profit of HRK 3,309 mil with a ROE of 25.1% in 2017, Raiffeisenbank Czech Republic netted HRK 874 mil (ROE of 11.6%) and Raiffeisen Bank Romania announced a net profit of HRK 833 mil giving a ROE of 14.9%.

You can see all the banks net profit data on the Net Profit indicator page or you can download a report on the Raiffeisen New Europe banks in the reports section.