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Helgi's Point - The Largest Armies in The World

Language: Czech / English
Provider: 2013
Pages: 1
Here is Historum's list of the Top 10 armies in the world's history: 1) Ancient Macedonian army (4th Century BC) 2) Roman Army (1st Century BC - 3rd Century) 3) Hun Army (3th - 4th Century) 4) Arab Army (7th - 9th Century) 5) Mongolian Army (13th - 16th Century) 6) Turkish Army (15th - 16th Century) 7) Russian Cossacks (17th - 20th Century) 8) French Army (19th Century) 9) British Army (20th Century) 10) US Army (20th - 21st Century) So, who is going to be the next one?
Society | World | March 26, 2013
Excel Sheet, 1 pages