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Barclays - Share Price & Market Capitalization

Share Price () & Market Capitalization (USD mil)
Banking | United Kingdom | December 22, 2019
Excel Sheet

Barclays stock traded at 1.48 per share at the end of 2018 implying a market capitalization of USD 32,740 mil.

Since the end of 2013, the stock has depreciated by -50.3 % implying an annual average growth of -13.1 %. In absolute terms, the value of the company fell by USD -39,857 mil.

Historically, the bank’s stock price reached an all time high of 6.60 in 2006 and an all time low of 0.721 in 1988.

At the end of 2018, the bank traded at price to earnings of 12.0x and price to book value of 0.404x. The bank generated its shareholders an average return on equity of 2.39% in the last five years and average dividend yield of 2.81%.

You can see all the bank’s data at Barclays profile, or you can download a report on the bank in the report section.