Energy & Utility in
- Access to Electricity (As % of Population)
- Air Emissions (Ammonia)
- Air Emissions (Ammonia, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Ammonia, Transport activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Carbon dioxide from biomass used as a fuel)
- Air Emissions (Carbon dioxide from biomass used as a fuel, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Carbon dioxide)
- Air Emissions (Carbon dioxide, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Carbon monoxide)
- Air Emissions (Carbon monoxide, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Carbon monoxide, Transport activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Hydrofluorocarbones (CO2 equivalent), Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Hydrofluorocarbones - CO2 equivalent)
- Air Emissions (Methane - Global warming potential, CO2 equivalent)
- Air Emissions (Methane)
- Air Emissions (Methane, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Methane, Transport activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Nitrogen oxides)
- Air Emissions (Nitrogen oxides, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Nitrogen oxides, Transport activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Nitrous oxide - Global warming potential, CO2 equivalent)
- Air Emissions (Nitrous oxide)
- Air Emissions (Nitrous oxide, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Nitrous oxide, Transport activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Non-methane volatile organic compounds)
- Air Emissions (Non-methane volatile organic compounds, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Non-methane volatile organic compounds, Transport activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Particulates < 10
- Air emissions (Particulates < 10
- Air Emissions (Particulates < 2.5
- Air Emissions (Particulates < 2.5
- Air Emissions (Perfluorocarbones (CO2 equivalent), Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Perfluorocarbones - CO2 equivalent)
- Air Emissions (Sulphur hexafluoride - Global warming potential, CO2 equivalent)
- Air Emissions (Sulphur hexafluoride, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions (Sulphur oxides)
- Air Emissions (Sulphur oxides, Other activities by households)
- Air Emissions(Carbon dioxide, Transport activities by households)
- CO2 Emissions (kg Per PPP USD of GDP)
- CO2 Emissions (Total)
- CO2 Emissions from Gaseous Fuel Consumption
- CO2 Emissions from Gaseous Fuel Consumption (As % of Total)
- CO2 Emissions from Solid Fuel Consumption
- CO2 Emissions from Solid Fuel Consumption (As % of Total)
- Combustible Renewables & Waste (As % of Total Energy)
- Consumption of Electricity (GWh)
- Domestic Freshwater Withdrawals (As % of Total)
- Electric Power Consumption Per Capita
- Electric Power Distribution & Transmission Losses
- Electric Power Distribution & Transmission Losses (As % of Output)
- Electric Power Production
- Electric Power Production Per Capita
- Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste (Automatic dispensers)
- Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste per Capita (Automatic dispensers)
- Electricity Distribution Losses (kWh)
- Electricity Production (As % of Worldwide Production)
- Electricity Production from Coal Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Hydro Sources
- Electricity Production from Hydro Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Natural Gas Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Nuclear Sources
- Electricity Production from Nuclear Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Oil Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Oil, Gas & Coal Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Renewable Sources
- Electricity Production from Renewable Sources (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Renewable Sources (Excl. Hydro)
- Electricity Production from Renewable Sources Excl. Hydro (As % of Total)
- Electricity Production from Solar Photovoltaic
- Electricity Production from Wind Power
- Energy Consumption by Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing (kt of oil equivalent)
- Energy Consumption by All Industrial Activities (kt of oil equivalent)
- Energy Consumption by Households (kt of oil equivalent)
- Energy Consumption by Services (kt of oil equivalent)
- Energy Consumption, Total (kt of oil equivalent)
- Energy Dependence (Hard Coal & Derivatives)
- Energy Dependence (Natural Gas)
- Energy Imports (As % of Energy Use)
- Energy Use (kg of Oil Equivalent Per Capita)
- Energy Use (kg of Oil Equivalent) Per USD 1,000 of GDP
- Energy Use (kg of Oil Equivalent) Per USD 1,000 of GDP (Constatnt 2011 PPP)
- Environmental Tax Revenues - Energy taxes (As % of GDP)
- Environmental Tax Revenues - Taxes on Pollution/Resources (As % of GDP)
- Environmental Tax Revenues - Total environmental taxes (As % of GDP)
- Environmental tax revenues - Transport taxes (As % of GDP)
- Environmental Taxes - Transporrt Taxes (Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Accommodation and food service activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Advertising and market research)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Agriculture, forestry and fishing)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Air transport)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport taxes (Computer programming, consultancy, and information service activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Construction)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Fishing and aquaculture)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Land transport and transport via pipelines)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultancy activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of basic metals)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of electrical equipment)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of food products; beverages and tobacco products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of machinery and equipment)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of other transport equipment)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of paper and paper products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of rubber and plastic products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Mining and quarrying)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Motion picture, video, television programme production; programming and broadcasting activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Postal and courier activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Printing and reproduction of recorded media)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Publishing activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Real estate activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Repair and installation of machinery and equipment)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Scientific research and development)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Services except transportation and storage)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Sewerage, waste management, remediation activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Telecommunications)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Transportation and storage)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Warehousing and support activities for transportation)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Water collection, treatment and supply)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Water transport)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles)
- Environmental Taxes - Transport Taxes (Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles)
- Environmental Taxes- Transport Taxes (Forestry and logging)
- Environmental Taxes- Transport Taxes (Manufacturing)
- Exports of Waste (Recovery other than energy recovery - except backfilling)
- Fossil Fuel Consumption (As % of Total)
- Freshwater Withdrawals (Total)
- Freshwater Withdrawals from Agriculture
- Freshwater Withdrawals from Agriculture (As % of Total)
- Freshwater Withdrawals from Households
- Freshwater Withdrawals from Households (As % of Total)
- Freshwater Withdrawals from Industry
- Freshwater Withdrawals from Industry (As % of Total)
- Freshwater Withdrawals Per Household
- GDP Per Unit of Energy Use (Constant PPP $ Per kg of Oil Equivalent)
- GDP Per Unit of Energy Use (PPP $ Per kg of Oil Equivalent)
- Generation of Hazardous and non-hazardous Waste
- Generation of Hazardous Waste (Total)
- Generation of Non-hazardous Waste (Total)
- Geothermal, Biomass and Other Consumption
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Adipic acid production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Aerosol use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Agriculture)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (All sectors and indirect CO2)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Aluminium production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Ammonia production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Annual change in total long-term carbon storage in harvested wood products HWP waste)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Annual change in total long-term carbon storage)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Biological treatment of solid waste)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Caprolactam, glyoxal and glyoxylic acid production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Carbide production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Cattle manure management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Cement production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Chemical industry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CO2 emissions from biomass)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Cropland)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Deep water rice cultivation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Direct N2O emissions from managed agricultural soils)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Domestic wastewater)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Electronics industry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Energy)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Enteric fermentation of cattle)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Enteric fermentation of other livestock)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Enteric fermentation of sheep)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Enteric fermentation of swine)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Enteric fermentation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Ferroalloys production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Field burning of agricultural residues)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Field burning of cereals residues)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Field burning of other agricultural residues)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Field burning of pulses residues)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Field burning of sugar cane residues)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Field burning of tubers and roots residues)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fire protection)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Foam blowing agent use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Forest land)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion by households)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in agriculture)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in commercial and institutional sector)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in domestic aviation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in domestic navigation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in energy industries)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of chemicals)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of iron and steel)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of non-ferrous metals)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of non-metallic mineral products)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of pulp, paper and printing)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in manufacturing industries and construction)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in other manufacturing industries and construction)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in other transport)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in petroleum refining)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in public electricity and heat production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in railways)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in road transport)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion in transport)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fuel combustion)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fugitive emissions from fuels)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fugitive emissions from oil and natural gas and other emissions from energy production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Fugitive emissions from solid fuels)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Glass production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Grassland)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Harvested wood products)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Incineration and open burning of waste)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Indirect CO2)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Indirect N2O emissions from managed agricultural soils)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Indirect N2O emissions from manure management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Industrial processes and product use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Industrial wastewater)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (International aviation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (International bunkers)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (International navigation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Iron and steel production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Irrigated rice cultivation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land converted to cropland)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land converted to forest land)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land converted to grassland)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land converted to other land)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land converted to settlements)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land converted to wetlands)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Land use, land use change, and forestry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Lead production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Lime production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Liming)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Livestock)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Long-term storage of carbon in waste disposal sites)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Lubricant use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Magnesium production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Managed agricultural soils)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Managed waste disposal sites)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Manure management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Metal industry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Mineral industry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Mobile fuel combustion sectors)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Multilateral operations)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Nitric acid production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Open burning of waste)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other carbon-containing fertilizers)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other disposal)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other electronics industry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other fuel combustion sectors)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other industrial process and product use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other land use, land use change, and forestry)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other land)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other livestock manure management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other non-energy product use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other process uses of carbonates)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other product manufacture and use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other sectors)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Other wastewater)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Paraffin wax use)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Petrochemical and carbon black production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Product uses as substitutes for ozone depleting substances)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Rainfed rice cultivation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Refrigeration and air conditioning)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Rice cultivation)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Settlements)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Sheep manure management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Soda ash production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Solid waste disposal)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Stationary fuel combustion sectors)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Swine manure management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Titanium dioxide production)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Total)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Total) 2
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Transport and storage of CO2)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Uncategorized waste disposal sites)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Unconverted cropland)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Unconverted forest land)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Unconverted grassland)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Unconverted settlements)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Unconverted wetlands)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Unmanaged waste disposal sites)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Urea application)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Waste composting)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Waste incineration)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Waste management)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Wastewater treatment and discharge)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Wetlands)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Zinc production)
- Gross Flow of Waste (Recovery other than energy recovery - except backfilling)
- Hazardous Waste Deposit onto or into Land (As % of total)
- Household Electric Power Consumption
- Imports of Electricity (GWh) - Monthly
- Imports of Natural Gas (TJ)
- Imports of Waste (Recovery other than energy recovery - except backfilling)
- Inland Deliveries of Gas/Diesel Oil (kt)
- Inland Deliveries of Motor Spirit (kt)
- Municipal Waste (Composting and digestion)
- Municipal Waste Generated
- Municipal Waste Generated per Capita
- Municipal Waste Incineration
- Municipal Waste Incineration per Capita
- Municipal Waste Incineration/Energy Recovery
- Municipal Waste Incineration/Energy Recovery per Capita
- Municipal Waste Landfill/Disposal
- Municipal Waste Landfill/Disposal per Capita
- Municipal Waste Material Recycling
- Municipal Waste Material Recycling per Capita
- Municipal Waste per Capita (Composting and digestion)
- Municipal Waste Treatment
- Municipal Waste Treatment per Capita
- Net Flow of Waste (Recovery other than energy recovery - except backfilling)
- Non-hazardous Waste Deposit onto or into Land (As % of total)
- Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - primary treatment of plants)
- Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - secondary treatment of plants)
- Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - tertiary treatment of plants)
- Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - tertiary treatment of which nitrogen removal of plants)
- Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - tertiary treatment of which phosporus removal of plants)
- Number of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Urban - total of plants)
- Production of Electricity (GWh)
- Production of Natural Gas (TJ)
- Recycling and Reuse of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste (As % of total)
- Refinery Output of Gas/Diesel Oil (kt)
- Refinery Output of Motor Spirit (kt)
- Renewable freshwater resources - Actual evapotranspiration
- Renewable freshwater resources - Actual evapotranspiration per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Actual external inflow from neighbouring territories
- Renewable freshwater resources - Actual external inflow from neighbouring territories per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Freshwater resources 95% of years, LTAA
- Renewable freshwater resources - Freshwater resources 95% of years, LTAA per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Groundwater available for annual abstraction
- Renewable freshwater resources - Groundwater available for annual abstraction per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Internal Flow
- Renewable freshwater resources - Internal Flow per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Precipitation
- Renewable freshwater resources - Precipitation per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Recharge into the aquifer
- Renewable freshwater resources - Recharge into the aquifer per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Renewable freshwater resources
- Renewable freshwater resources - Renewable freshwater resources per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow
- Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow into neighbouring territories
- Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow into neighbouring territories per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow into the sea
- Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow into the sea per Capita
- Renewable freshwater resources - Total actual outflow per Capita
- Renewable Internal Freshwater Withdrawals
- Renewable Internal Freshwater Withdrawals (As % of Total)
- Renewable Internal Freshwater Withdrawals Per Capita
- Sales and Collection of Portable Batteries and Accumulators (As % of waste collected)
- Sales and Collection of Portable Batteries and Accumulators (Waste collected)
- Sales and collection of portable batteries and accumulators - Tonne - Portable batteries and accumulators - Products put on the market
- Solar Capacity (Cumulative Installed Photovoltaic Power)
- Solar Electricity Net Generation (kWh)
- Total Consumption of Natural Gas (TJ)
- Total Electricity Exports (Btu)
- Total Electricity Exports (kWh)
- Total Electricity Exports (TJ)
- Total Electricity Imports (Btu)
- Total Electricity Imports (kWh)
- Total Electricity Imports (mt of oil equivalent)
- Total Electricity Installed Capacity (kW)
- Total Electricity Net Consumption (kWh)
- Total Electricity Net Imports (TJ)
- Total Waste Deposit onto or into Land (As % of total)
- Trade Balance of Waste (Recovery other than energy recovery - except backfilling)
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - primary treatment - Design capacity BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - primary treatment - Effluent BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - primary treatment - Incoming load BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - secondary treatment - Design capacity BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - secondary treatment - Effluent BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - secondary treatment - Incoming load BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment - Design capacity BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment - Effluent BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment - Incoming load BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment of which nitrogen removal - Design capacity BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment of which nitrogen removal - Effluent BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment of which nitrogen removal - Incoming load BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment of which phosporus removal - Design capacity BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment of which phosporus removal - Effluent BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - tertiary treatment of which phosporus removal - Incoming load BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - total - Design capacity BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - total - Effluent BOD5
- Treatment Capacity of Wastewater Plants - Urban wastewater treatment plants - total - Incoming load BOD5
- Waste Management - Exports - Deposit onto or into land
- Waste Management - Exports - Incineration / energy recovery (R1)
- Waste Management - Exports - Total waste treatment
- Waste Management - Gross flow - Deposit onto or into land
- Waste Management - Gross flow - Incineration / disposal (D10)
- Waste Management - Gross flow - Incineration / energy recovery (R1)
- Waste Management - Gross flow - Land treatment and release into water bodies
- Waste Management - Gross flow - Total waste treatment
- Waste Management - Imports - Deposit onto or into land
- Waste Management - Imports - Incineration / disposal (D10)
- Waste Management - Imports - Incineration / energy recovery (R1)
- Waste Management - Imports - Total waste treatment
- Waste Management - Net flow - Deposit onto or into land
- Waste Management - Net flow - Incineration / disposal (D10)
- Waste Management - Net flow - Incineration / energy recovery (R1)
- Waste Management - Net flow - Land treatment and release into water bodies
- Waste Management - Net flow - Total waste treatment
- Waste Management - Trade balance - Deposit onto or into land
- Waste Management - Trade balance - Incineration / disposal (D10)
- Waste Management - Trade balance - Incineration / energy recovery (R1)
- Waste Management - Trade balance - Total waste treatment
- Water Productivity (Constant PPP USD GDP Per Cubic Metre of Freshwater Withdrawals)
- Water Use (Agriculture, forestry and fishing)
- Water Use (Construction)
- Water Use (Households)
- Water Use (Industry and construction)
- Water Use (Manufacturing)
- Water Use (Mining and quarrying)
- Water Use (Production and distribution of electricity - for cooling purposes)
- Water Use (Production and distribution of electricity)
- Water Use (Services)
- Water Use (Total)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Basic metals)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Coke and refined petroleum product; chemicals and chemical products and pharmaceuticals)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Cooling purposes)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Food products and beverages)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers and of other transport equipment)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Other manufacturing)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Paper and paper products)
- Water Use in the Manufacturing (Textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products)
- Wind Capacity (Cumulative Installed Wind Turbine Capacity)