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KentBank's customer loans rose 15.0% to HRK 1,170 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's customer loans reached HRK 1,170 mil in 2017, up 15.0% compared to the previous year. Croatian banking sector provid...

KentBank's total revenues rose 7.80% to HRK 82.5 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank generated total banking revenues of HRK 82.5 mil in 2017, up 7.80% compared to the previous year. Croatian bankin...

KentBank's npls (as % of loans) rose 10.3% to 8.37% in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's non-performing loans reached 8.37% of total loans at the end of 2017, up from 7.59% compared to the previous year. ...

Profit Statement 2015 2016 2017
Net Interest Income HRK mil 39.3 49.0 60.0
Net Fee Income HRK mil 5.45 7.94 10.3
Other Income HRK mil 14.6 19.7 12.3
Total Revenues HRK mil 59.3 76.6 82.5
Staff Cost HRK mil 26.3 32.1 35.5
Operating Profit HRK mil 9.65 17.7 20.2
Provisions HRK mil 5.74 9.57 15.0
Net Profit HRK mil 3.92 8.13 5.24
Balance Sheet 2015 2016 2017
Interbank Loans HRK mil 25.7 2.80 2.78
Customer Loans HRK mil 747 1,018 1,170
Total Assets HRK mil 1,355 2,129 2,079
Shareholders' Equity HRK mil 201 211 230
Interbank Borrowing HRK mil 59.7 98.3 100
Customer Deposits HRK mil 1,064 1,643 1,579
Issued Debt Securities HRK mil 7.74 152 154
Ratios 2015 2016 2017
ROE % 2.15 3.95 2.38
ROA % 0.310 0.467 0.249
Costs (As % Of Assets) % 3.93 3.38 2.96
Costs (As % Of Income) % 83.7 76.9 75.5
Capital Adequacy Ratio % 21.5 15.9 18.9
Net Interest Margin % 3.11 2.81 2.85
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % 70.2 62.0 74.1
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % 10.8 7.59 8.37
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % 80.2 93.6 86.0
Growth Rates 2015 2016 2017
Total Revenue Growth % 29.6 29.0 7.80
Operating Cost Growth % 7.43 18.5 5.84
Operating Profit Growth % -2,260 83.3 14.3
Net Profit Growth % -136 107 -35.6
Customer Loan Growth % 25.0 36.3 15.0
Total Asset Growth % 15.4 57.2 -2.38
Customer Deposit Growth % 8.31 54.4 -3.92
Shareholders' Equity Growth % 22.2 4.88 9.38
Employees 147 178 196

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summary Unit 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
income statement                                
Net Interest Income HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   20.9 19.9 27.6 34.2 39.3    
Total Revenues HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   30.7 28.0 42.1 45.8 59.3    
Operating Profit HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   5.69 -15.9 -7.73 -0.447 9.65    
Net Profit HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   -8.12 -30.0 -23.1 -11.0 3.92    
balance sheet                                
Interbank Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   15.2 21.5 0 17.6 25.7    
Customer Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   221 258 462 598 747    
Debt Securities HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   113 27.3 26.0 216 327    
Total Assets HRK mil                   529 605 884 1,174 1,355    
Shareholders' Equity HRK mil                   45.8 87.0 134 164 201    
Interbank Borrowing HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 2.02 6.77 59.7    
Customer Deposits HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   461 499 730 983 1,064    
Issued Debt Securities HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 0 0 7.74    
ROE % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   -15.4 -45.2 -20.9 -7.37 2.15    
ROA % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   -1.54 -5.30 -3.10 -1.07 0.310    
Costs (As % Of Assets) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   4.74 7.73 6.69 4.49 3.93    
Costs (As % Of Income) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   81.4 157 118 101 83.7    
Capital Adequacy Ratio %                   14.0 18.9 19.5 22.9 21.5    
Net Interest Margin % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   3.96 3.50 3.71 3.32 3.11    
Interest Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   68.0 71.0 65.7 74.7 66.2    
Fee Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   16.2 16.9 10.6 9.16 9.19    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   40.8 48.3 51.7 53.2 53.0    
Equity (As % Of Assets) %                   8.65 14.4 15.2 14.0 14.8    
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   47.9 51.7 63.3 60.9 70.2    
Loans (As % Assets) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   41.7 42.7 52.3 50.9 55.2    
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24.5 15.9 14.1 10.8    
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59.4 70.6 71.7 80.2    
Book Value Per Share Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10.1 -4.90 39.1 23.7 14.9    
income statement Unit 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
income statement                                
Interest Income HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   42.2 40.7 49.3 62.0 67.6    
Interest Cost HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   21.4 20.8 21.7 27.8 28.3    
Net Interest Income HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   20.9 19.9 27.6 34.2 39.3    
Net Fee Income HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   4.97 4.73 4.45 4.19 5.45    
Other Income HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   4.84 3.39 9.99 7.41 14.6    
Total Revenues HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   30.7 28.0 42.1 45.8 59.3    
Staff Cost HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   10.2 21.2 25.8 24.6 26.3    
Depreciation HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   1.50 2.21 6.16 6.05 5.81    
Other Cost HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   13.3 20.5 17.9 15.6 17.6    
Operating Cost HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   25.0 43.8 49.8 46.2 49.7    
Operating Profit HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   5.69 -15.9 -7.73 -0.447 9.65    
Provisions HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   13.8 14.2 15.4 10.6 5.74    
Extra and Other Cost HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   < -0.001 0 0 0 < 0.001    
Pre-Tax Profit HRK mil                   -8.12 -30.0 -23.1 -11.0 3.92    
Tax HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 0 0 0    
Minorities HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 0 0 0    
Net Profit HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   -8.12 -30.0 -23.1 -11.0 3.92    
growth rates                                
Net Interest Income Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10.1 -4.90 39.1 23.7 14.9    
Net Fee Income Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32.9 -4.99 -5.84 -5.75 30.0    
Total Revenue Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11.4 -8.85 50.4 8.86 29.6    
Operating Cost Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 31.5 75.4 13.6 -7.14 7.43    
Operating Profit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -33.2 -379 -51.3 -94.2 -2,260    
Pre-Tax Profit Growth % ...                 -257 270 -23.0 -52.4 -136    
Net Profit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -299 270 -23.0 -52.4 -136    
market share                                
Market Share in Revenues % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.191 0.188 0.292 0.316 0.408    
Market Share in Net Profit % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   ... ... ... ... ...    
Market Share in Employees % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.384 0.527 0.553 0.613 0.703    
Market Share in Branches % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  
balance sheet Unit 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
balance sheet                                
Cash HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   163 120 183 289 201    
Interbank Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   15.2 21.5 0 17.6 25.7    
Customer Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   221 258 462 598 747    
Retail Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   183 215 331 340 384    
Corporate Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   62.7 79.6 186 322 425    
Debt Securities HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   113 27.3 26.0 216 327    
Fixed Assets HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   10.2 25.0 40.0 50.2 51.0    
Total Assets HRK mil                   529 605 884 1,174 1,355    
Shareholders' Equity HRK mil                   45.8 87.0 134 164 201    
Of Which Minority Interest HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 0 0 0    
Liabilities HRK mil                   483 518 750 1,010 1,154    
Interbank Borrowing HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 2.02 6.77 59.7    
Customer Deposits HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   461 499 730 983 1,064    
Retail Deposits HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   443 471 654 879 954    
Corporate Deposits HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   17.7 28.4 75.7 103 110    
Sight Deposits HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   23.3 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Term Deposits HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   437 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Issued Debt Securities HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0 0 0 0 7.74    
Other Liabilities HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   22.4 18.9 18.3 20.4 22.4    
asset quality                                
Non-Performing Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74.0 82.6 93.6 88.2    
Gross Loans HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   256 302 521 665 818    
Total Provisions HRK mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   35.4 43.9 58.3 67.1 70.8    
growth rates                                
Customer Loan Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -11.8 17.1 78.9 29.4 25.0    
Retail Loan Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -5.10 17.6 53.6 2.91 12.8    
Corporate Loan Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -4.53 27.0 134 73.1 32.2    
Total Asset Growth % ...                 0.521 14.4 46.1 32.8 15.4    
Shareholders' Equity Growth % ...                 -23.6 90.0 54.3 22.5 22.2    
Customer Deposit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3.71 8.35 46.2 34.7 8.31    
Retail Deposit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4.91 6.25 38.9 34.4 8.55    
Corporate Deposit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -19.4 60.8 166 36.6 6.24    
market share                                
Market Share in Customer Loans % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.088 0.109 0.197 0.261 0.336    
Market Share in Corporate Loans % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.056 0.082 0.195 0.350 0.487    
Market Share in Consumer Loans % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.143 0.170 0.268 0.278 0.319    
Market Share in Total Assets %                   0.127 0.147 0.213 0.280 0.325    
Market Share in Customer Deposits % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.209 0.220 0.309 0.402 0.414    
Market Share in Retail Deposits % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.260 0.265 0.365 0.480 0.508    
Market Share in Corporate Deposits % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   0.037 0.063 0.179 0.236 0.207    
ratios Unit 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
ROE % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   -15.4 -45.2 -20.9 -7.37 2.15    
ROA % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   -1.54 -5.30 -3.10 -1.07 0.310    
Costs (As % Of Assets) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   4.74 7.73 6.69 4.49 3.93    
Costs (As % Of Income) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   81.4 157 118 101 83.7    
Capital Adequacy Ratio %                   14.0 18.9 19.5 22.9 21.5    
Net Interest Margin % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   3.96 3.50 3.71 3.32 3.11    
Interest Spread % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   3.51 3.02 3.20 2.86 2.73    
Asset Yield % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   8.01 7.17 6.62 6.02 5.35    
Cost Of Liabilities % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   4.50 4.15 3.42 3.16 2.62    
Interest Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   68.0 71.0 65.7 74.7 66.2    
Fee Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   16.2 16.9 10.6 9.16 9.19    
Other Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   15.8 12.1 23.7 16.2 24.6    
Cost Per Employee USD per month ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   1,894 2,645 3,133 2,661 2,239    
Cost Per Employee (Local Currency) HRK per month ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   10,131 15,478 17,885 15,779 14,918    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   40.8 48.3 51.7 53.2 53.0    
Equity (As % Of Assets) %                   8.65 14.4 15.2 14.0 14.8    
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   47.9 51.7 63.3 60.9 70.2    
Loans (As % Assets) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   41.7 42.7 52.3 50.9 55.2    
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24.5 15.9 14.1 10.8    
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59.4 70.6 71.7 80.2    
Provisions (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   16.0 17.0 12.6 11.2 9.47    
Cost of Provisions (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   5.87 5.91 4.27 1.99 0.853    
other data Unit 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
other data                                
Branches ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  
Employees ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   84.0 114 120 130 147    
ATMs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  
Sight (As % Of Customer Deposits) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   5.06 ... ... ... ... ... ...

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KentBank's customer deposits fell 3.92% to HRK 1,579 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's customer deposits reached HRK 1,579 mil in 2017, down 3.92% compared to the previous year. Croatian banking sector accepted customer deposits of HRK 273 bil in 2017, up 2.57% when compared to the last year. KentBank accounted for 0.578% of all ...

KentBank's net interest margin rose 1.44% to 2.85% in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's net interest margin amounted to 2.85% in 2017, up from 2.81% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net interest margin reached an all time high of 3.96% in 2011 and an all time low of 2.81% in 2016. The average margin in the...

KentBank's corporate loans rose 8.18% to HRK 664 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

KentBank's corporate loans reached HRK 664 mil in 2017, up 8.18% compared to the previous year. Croatian banking sector provided corporate loans of HRK 70.6 bil in 2017, up 2.98% when compared to the last year. KentBank accounted for 0.812% of all corpora...

KentBank's corporate deposits rose 21.5% to HRK 315 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's corporate deposits reached HRK 315 mil in 2017, up 21.5% compared to the previous year. Croatian banking sector accepted corporate deposits of HRK 63.1 bil in 2017, up 8.35% when compared to the last year. KentBank accounted for 0.500% of all c...

KentBank's retail deposits fell 8.68% to HRK 1,264 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's retail deposits reached HRK 1,264 mil in 2017, down 8.68% compared to the previous year. Croatian banking sector accepted retail deposits of HRK 190 bil in 2017, up 0.432% when compared to the last year. KentBank accounted for 0.664% of all ret...

KentBank's net interest income rose 22.5% to HRK 60.0 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank generated total banking revenues of HRK 82.5 mil in 2017, up 7.8% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s revenues containing of interest, fee and other non-interest income reached an all time high of HRK 82.5 mil in 2017 and an all tim...

KentBank's net profit fell 35.6% to HRK 5.24 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank made a net profit of HRK 5.24 mil under revenues of HRK 82.5 mil in 2017, up -35.6% and 7.80% respectively compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of HRK 8.13 mil in 2016 and an all time low of HRK -30.0 mi...

KentBank's customer loan growth fell 58.7% to 15.0% in 2017

By Helgi Library - August 8, 2018

KentBank's customer loan growth reached 15.0% in 2017, down from 36.3% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s loans growth reached an all time high of 78.9% in 2013 and an all time low of -11.8% in 2011. In the last decade, the average an...

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KentBank has been growing its revenues and asset by 24.2% and 28.0% a year on average in the last 5 years. Its loans and deposits have grown by 35.3% and 25.9% a year during that time and loans to deposits ratio reached 74.1% at the end of 2017. The company achieved an average return on equity of -3.96% in the last five years with net profit growing % a year on average. In terms of operating efficiency, its cost to income ratio reached 75.5% in 2017, compared to 91.1% average in the last five years.

Equity represented 11.1% of total assets or 19.7% of loans at the end of 2017. KentBank's non-performing loans were 8.37% of total loans while provisions covered some 86.0% of NPLs at the end of 2017.