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Postova Banka

Postova's customer deposits rose 0.216% to EUR 3,604 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Postova Banka's customer deposits reached EUR 3,604 mil in 2017, up 0.216% compared to the previous year. Slovak banking sector...

Postova's customer deposits rose 0.216% to EUR 3,604 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Postova Banka's customer deposits reached EUR 3,604 mil in 2017, up 0.216% compared to the previous year. Slovak banking sector...

Postova's customer loans rose 8.22% to EUR 2,181 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Postova Banka's customer loans reached EUR 2,181 mil in 2017, up 8.22% compared to the previous year. Slovak banking sector pro...

Profit Statement 2015 2016 2017
Net Interest Income EUR mil 190 164 160
Net Fee Income EUR mil 27.4 21.2 22.1
Other Income EUR mil 17.6 11.4 16.5
Total Revenues EUR mil 235 196 198
Staff Cost EUR mil 46.8 32.4 37.5
Operating Profit EUR mil 141 122 109
Provisions EUR mil 70.4 52.7 46.0
Net Profit EUR mil 48.7 49.3 47.9
Balance Sheet 2015 2016 2017
Interbank Loans EUR mil 2.48 47.6 55.4
Customer Loans EUR mil 2,134 2,016 2,181
Total Assets EUR mil 4,181 4,256 4,311
Shareholders' Equity EUR mil 605 607 643
Interbank Borrowing EUR mil 3.93 4.24 5.57
Customer Deposits EUR mil 3,507 3,596 3,604
Issued Debt Securities EUR mil 8.01 8.01 8.01
Ratios 2015 2016 2017
ROE % 8.29 8.13 7.66
ROA % 1.16 1.17 1.12
Costs (As % Of Assets) % 2.24 1.77 2.08
Costs (As % Of Income) % 39.9 38.0 44.9
Capital Adequacy Ratio % 16.8 17.6 17.9
Net Interest Margin % 4.54 3.88 3.73
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % 60.9 56.0 60.5
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % 8.90 11.7 9.52
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % 66.7 60.1 70.7
Growth Rates 2015 2016 2017
Total Revenue Growth % -5.19 -16.6 1.06
Operating Cost Growth % -9.55 -20.7 19.5
Operating Profit Growth % -2.07 -13.9 -10.3
Net Profit Growth % 10.9 1.08 -2.78
Customer Loan Growth % -6.55 -5.55 8.22
Total Asset Growth % -0.662 1.81 1.29
Customer Deposit Growth % -1.41 2.54 0.215
Shareholders' Equity Growth % 6.13 0.344 5.87
Employees 1,393 891 1,051

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summary Unit 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
income statement                                        
Net Interest Income EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 156 175 191 211 190    
Total Revenues EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 183 203 239 248 235    
Operating Profit EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 30.3 96.7 141 144 141    
Net Profit EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 -217 65.6 69.6 43.9 48.7    
balance sheet                                        
Interbank Loans EUR mil ... ... ...                     14.0 104 0.407 1.81 2.48    
Customer Loans EUR mil ... ... ...                     1,371 1,723 1,875 2,284 2,134    
Debt Securities EUR mil ... ... ...                     1,161 1,380 1,538 1,419 1,326    
Total Assets EUR mil ... ... ...                     3,136 3,415 3,843 4,208 4,181    
Shareholders' Equity EUR mil ... ... ...                     330 404 464 570 605    
Interbank Borrowing EUR mil ... ... ...                     100 61.1 7.63 13.5 3.93    
Customer Deposits EUR mil ... ... ...                     2,665 2,830 3,268 3,557 3,507    
Issued Debt Securities EUR mil ... ... ...                     8.08 8.77 9.46 8.05 8.01    
ROE % ... ... ... ... ...                 -81.6 17.9 16.0 8.50 8.29    
ROA % ... ... ... ... ...                 -7.60 2.00 1.92 1.09 1.16    
Costs (As % Of Assets) % ... ... ... ... ...                 5.35 3.26 2.71 2.58 2.24    
Costs (As % Of Income) % ... ... ... ... ...                 83.4 52.4 41.2 41.8 39.9    
Capital Adequacy Ratio % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14.3 16.8    
Net Interest Margin % ... ... ... ... ...                 5.45 5.35 5.27 5.25 4.54    
Interest Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ...                 85.1 86.1 79.9 85.2 80.9    
Fee Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ...                 10.1 9.54 8.05 6.21 11.6    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) % ... ... ... ... ...                 20.6 37.5 43.9 44.7 49.8    
Equity (As % Of Assets) % ... ... ...                     10.5 11.8 12.1 13.5 14.5    
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % ... ... ...                     51.4 60.9 57.4 64.2 60.9    
Loans (As % Assets) % ... ... ...                     43.7 50.4 48.8 54.3 51.0    
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ...                 6.86 7.64 10.1 12.3 8.90    
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % ... ... ... ... ...                 51.8 44.3 50.0 45.9 66.7    
Book Value Per Share Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               25.5 12.6 9.16 10.6 -9.98    
income statement Unit 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
income statement                                        
Interest Income EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 203 233 250 259 232    
Interest Cost EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 47.9 57.4 59.0 47.8 41.2    
Net Interest Income EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 156 175 191 211 190    
Net Fee Income EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 18.5 19.4 19.3 15.4 27.4    
Other Income EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 8.82 8.85 28.7 21.4 17.6    
Total Revenues EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 183 203 239 248 235    
Staff Cost EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 31.5 40.0 43.3 46.4 46.8    
Depreciation EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 6.73 8.49 10.3 8.94 10.6    
Other Cost EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 114 58.2 44.9 48.5 36.5    
Operating Cost EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 152 107 98.5 104 93.9    
Operating Profit EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 30.3 96.7 141 144 141    
Provisions EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 296 23.2 39.2 80.2 70.4    
Extra and Other Cost EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 0 0 0 0 0.003    
Pre-Tax Profit EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 -266 73.5 102 64.2 71.0    
Tax EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 -49.2 7.91 31.9 20.3 22.2    
Minorities EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 0 0 0 0.064 0.170    
Net Profit EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 -217 65.6 69.6 43.9 48.7    
growth rates                                        
Net Interest Income Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               25.5 12.6 9.16 10.6 -9.98    
Net Fee Income Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               -23.0 5.23 -0.814 -20.0 77.6    
Total Revenue Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               9.48 11.3 17.6 3.82 -5.19    
Operating Cost Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               112 -30.0 -7.68 5.49 -9.55    
Operating Profit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               -68.1 219 45.4 2.65 -2.07    
Pre-Tax Profit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               -465 -128 38.1 -36.7 10.6    
Net Profit Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ...               -492 -130 6.09 -36.9 10.9    
market share                                        
Market Share in Revenues % ... ... ... ... ...                 7.47 9.70 10.3 10.1 10.3    
Market Share in Net Profit % ... ... ... ... ...                 ... 13.7 12.7 7.84 8.04    
Market Share in Employees %                           5.78 6.66 7.00 7.31 7.37    
Market Share in Branches %                           3.87 3.86 4.44 4.45 4.76    
balance sheet Unit 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
balance sheet                                        
Cash EUR mil ... ... ...                     149 47.6 292 367 571    
Interbank Loans EUR mil ... ... ...                     14.0 104 0.407 1.81 2.48    
Customer Loans EUR mil ... ... ...                     1,371 1,723 1,875 2,284 2,134    
Retail Loans EUR mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...         448 551 624 668 681    
Corporate Loans EUR mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...         974 1,233 1,352 1,752 1,587    
Debt Securities EUR mil ... ... ...                     1,161 1,380 1,538 1,419 1,326    
Fixed Assets EUR mil ... ... ...                     45.8 55.8 47.8 50.8 47.3    
Total Assets EUR mil ... ... ...                     3,136 3,415 3,843 4,208 4,181    
Shareholders' Equity EUR mil ... ... ...                     330 404 464 570 605    
Of Which Minority Interest EUR mil ... ... ...                     0 0 0 0.145 3.31    
Liabilities EUR mil ... ... ...                     2,806 3,011 3,379 3,638 3,576    
Interbank Borrowing EUR mil ... ... ...                     100 61.1 7.63 13.5 3.93    
Customer Deposits EUR mil ... ... ...                     2,665 2,830 3,268 3,557 3,507    
Sight Deposits EUR mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,083 1,307 1,507 ... ...
Term Deposits EUR mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,185 2,250 2,000 ... ...
Issued Debt Securities EUR mil ... ... ...                     8.08 8.77 9.46 8.05 8.01    
Other Liabilities EUR mil ... ... ...                     32.5 111 94.3 59.8 56.6    
asset quality                                        
Non-Performing Loans EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 97.6 136 200 299 202    
Gross Loans EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 1,422 1,783 1,976 2,421 2,269    
Total Provisions EUR mil ... ... ... ... ...                 50.6 60.3 100 137 135    
growth rates                                        
Customer Loan Growth % ... ... ... ...                   22.8 25.7 8.86 21.8 -6.55    
Retail Loan Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...       37.8 22.9 13.4 7.09 1.95    
Corporate Loan Growth % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...       17.0 26.6 9.66 29.7 -9.42    
Total Asset Growth % ... ... ... ...                   22.2 8.89 12.5 9.51 -0.662    
Shareholders' Equity Growth % ... ... ... ...                   64.1 22.5 14.7 22.9 6.13    
Customer Deposit Growth % ... ... ... ...                   20.0 6.17 15.5 8.85 -1.41    
market share                                        
Market Share in Customer Loans % ... ... ...                     3.77 4.64 4.78 5.47 4.69    
Market Share in Corporate Loans % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...         6.27 8.23 9.25 12.2 10.1    
Market Share in Consumer Loans % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...         2.61 2.93 3.04 2.90 2.63    
Market Share in Total Assets % ... ... ...                     5.32 5.72 6.30 6.55 6.05    
Market Share in Customer Deposits % ... ... ...                     6.64 6.68 7.38 7.72 6.95    
ratios Unit 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
ROE % ... ... ... ... ...                 -81.6 17.9 16.0 8.50 8.29    
ROA % ... ... ... ... ...                 -7.60 2.00 1.92 1.09 1.16    
Costs (As % Of Assets) % ... ... ... ... ...                 5.35 3.26 2.71 2.58 2.24    
Costs (As % Of Income) % ... ... ... ... ...                 83.4 52.4 41.2 41.8 39.9    
Capital Adequacy Ratio % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14.3 16.8    
Tier 1 Ratio % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14.1 16.5    
Net Interest Margin % ... ... ... ... ...                 5.45 5.35 5.27 5.25 4.54    
Interest Spread % ... ... ... ... ...                 5.28 5.13 5.05 5.08 4.38    
Asset Yield % ... ... ... ... ...                 7.13 7.10 6.89 6.44 5.52    
Cost Of Liabilities % ... ... ... ... ...                 1.85 1.97 1.85 1.36 1.14    
Interest Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ...                 85.1 86.1 79.9 85.2 80.9    
Fee Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ...                 10.1 9.54 8.05 6.21 11.6    
Other Income (As % Of Revenues) % ... ... ... ... ...                 4.83 4.35 12.0 8.62 7.50    
Cost Per Employee USD per month ... ... ... ... ...                 3,417 3,441 3,687 3,652 3,211    
Cost Per Employee (Local Currency) EUR per month ... ... ... ... ...                 2,458 2,680 2,777 2,834 2,801    
Staff Cost (As % Of Total Cost) % ... ... ... ... ...                 20.6 37.5 43.9 44.7 49.8    
Equity (As % Of Assets) % ... ... ...                     10.5 11.8 12.1 13.5 14.5    
Loans (As % Of Deposits) % ... ... ...                     51.4 60.9 57.4 64.2 60.9    
Loans (As % Assets) % ... ... ...                     43.7 50.4 48.8 54.3 51.0    
NPLs (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ...                 6.86 7.64 10.1 12.3 8.90    
Provisions (As % Of NPLs) % ... ... ... ... ...                 51.8 44.3 50.0 45.9 66.7    
Provisions (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ...                 3.69 3.50 5.34 6.00 6.32    
Cost of Provisions (As % Of Loans) % ... ... ... ... ...                 23.8 1.50 2.18 3.86 3.19    
other data Unit 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
other data                                        
Branches                           40.0 41.0 42.0 42.0 45.0    
Employees                           1,067 1,243 1,298 1,364 1,393    
Clients mil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.00 ... ... ... ...
Sight (As % Of Customer Deposits) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33.1 36.7 43.0 ... ...

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Postova's customer loans rose 8.22% to EUR 2,181 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - December 12, 2019

Postova Banka's customer loans reached EUR 2,181 mil in 2017, up 8.22% compared to the previous year. Slovak banking sector provided customer loans of EUR 54.8 bil in 2017, up 9.56% when compared to the last year. Postova Banka accounted for 4.13% of all ...

Postova's net interest margin fell 3.87% to 3.73% in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka's net interest margin amounted to 3.73% in 2017, down from 3.88% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net interest margin reached an all time high of 5.45% in 2011 and an all time low of 3.28% in 2003. The average margin...

Postova's net interest margin fell 3.87% to 3.73% in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka's net interest margin amounted to 3.73% in 2017, down from 3.88% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net interest margin reached an all time high of 5.45% in 2011 and an all time low of 3.28% in 2003. The average margin...

Postova's net profit fell 2.78% to EUR 47.9 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka made a net profit of EUR 47.9 mil under revenues of EUR 198 mil in 2017, up -2.78% and 1.06% respectively compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of EUR 69.6 mil in 2013 and an all time low of EUR -217...

Postova's net profit fell 2.78% to EUR 47.9 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka made a net profit of EUR 47.9 mil under revenues of EUR 198 mil in 2017, up -2.78% and 1.06% respectively compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s net profit reached an all time high of EUR 69.6 mil in 2013 and an all time low of EUR -217...

Postova's costs (as % of assets) rose 17.7% to 2.08% in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka's cost to income ratio reached 44.9% in 2017, up from 38.0% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s costs reached an all time high of 100% of income in 2003 and an all time low of 38.0% in 2016. When compared to total assets, ...

Postova's costs (as % of assets) rose 17.7% to 2.08% in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka's cost to income ratio reached 44.9% in 2017, up from 38.0% compared to the previous year. Historically, the bank’s costs reached an all time high of 100% of income in 2003 and an all time low of 38.0% in 2016. When compared to total assets, ...

Postova's npls (as % of loans) fell 18.3% to 9.52% in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka's non-performing loans reached 9.52% of total loans at the end of 2017, down from 11.7% compared to the previous year. Historically, the NPL ratio hit an all time high of 17.9% in 2006 and an all time low of 3.22% in 2003. Provision coverage a...

Postova's npls (as % of loans) fell 18.3% to 9.52% in 2017

By Helgi Library - May 26, 2018

Postova Banka's non-performing loans reached 9.52% of total loans at the end of 2017, down from 11.7% compared to the previous year. Historically, the NPL ratio hit an all time high of 17.9% in 2006 and an all time low of 3.22% in 2003. Provision coverage a...

Postova's total revenues rose 1.06% to EUR 198 mil in 2017

By Helgi Library - July 16, 2018

Postova Banka generated total banking revenues of EUR 198 mil in 2017, up 1.06% compared to the previous year. Slovak banking sector banking sector generated total revenues of EUR 2,324 mil in 2017, down 10.6% when compared to the last year. As ...

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Poštová banka, a.s. is a Slovakia-based universal bank. The Bank offers deposits and loans and other retail banking services, Investment and asset management, life and general insurance, financial brokerage, pension funds management, real estate administration, and financial and operational leasing services, as well as services on the capital market. Poštová banka, a.s. operates through 41 branches in the Slovak Republic; and sells its products and services through 1,538 post offices, as well as selected bank services through 45 post offices of Pošta-Partner. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Bratislava, the Slovak Republic. The Bank operates as a subsidiary of J&T Finance Group.

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Postova Banka has been growing its revenues and asset by 11.3% and 15.4% a year on average in the last 10 years. Its loans and deposits have grown by 20.9% and 15.3% a year during that time and loans to deposits ratio reached 60.5% at the end of 2017. The company achieved an average return on equity of 3.72% in the last decade with net profit growing 10.1% a year on average. In terms of operating efficiency, its cost to income ratio reached 44.9% in 2017, compared to 52.7% average in the last decade.

Equity represented 14.9% of total assets or 29.5% of loans at the end of 2017. Postova Banka's non-performing loans were 9.52% of total loans while provisions covered some 70.7% of NPLs at the end of 2017.