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Montix's net profit fell 72.6% yoy to CZK 12.5 mil in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix made a net profit of CZK 12.5 mil with revenues of CZK 800 mil in 2019, down by 72.6% and down by 11.8%, res...

Montix's employees fell 6.00% yoy to 799 in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix employed 799 employees in 2019, down 6% compared to the previous year. Historically, between 2013 and 2019, ...

Montix's price/earnings (P/E) rose 265% yoy to 9.62 in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix stock traded at CZK 120 per share at the end 2019 translating into a market capitalization of USD 5.30 mil. Since the end ...

Profit Statement 2021 2022 2023
Sales CZK mil 636 720 728
Gross Profit CZK mil 360 393 391
EBITDA CZK mil 64.4 77.5 71.0
EBIT CZK mil 30.3 55.6 56.2
Financing Cost CZK mil 2.94 2.06 0.600
Pre-Tax Profit CZK mil 24.4 50.5 52.6
Net Profit CZK mil 19.8 40.9 42.6
Balance Sheet 2021 2022 2023
Total Assets CZK mil 476 474 480
Non-Current Assets CZK mil 248 232 233
Current Assets CZK mil 228 241 246
Working Capital CZK mil 152 159 162
Shareholders' Equity CZK mil 214 253 294
Liabilities CZK mil 262 220 185
Total Debt CZK mil 139 86.9 58.0
Net Debt CZK mil 128 74.3 43.4
Ratios 2021 2022 2023
ROE % 9.70 17.5 15.5
ROCE % 4.84 10.4 10.8
Gross Margin % 56.5 54.6 53.6
EBITDA Margin % 10.1 10.8 9.75
EBIT Margin % 4.77 7.72 7.72
Net Margin % 3.11 5.68 5.85
Net Debt/EBITDA 1.98 0.959 0.612
Net Debt/Equity % 59.7 29.3 14.7
Cost of Financing % 1.90 1.82 0.828
Valuation 2021 2022 2023
Market Capitalisation USD mil 5.30 5.30 5.30
Enterprise Value (EV) USD mil 10.9 8.59 7.22
Number Of Shares mil 1.00 1.00 1.00
Share Price CZK 120 120 120
EV/EBITDA 3.83 2.50 2.29
EV/Sales 0.388 0.269 0.224
Price/Earnings (P/E) 6.06 2.93 2.82
Price/Book Value (P/BV) 0.561 0.474 0.408

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overview Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
income statement                          
Sales CZK mil ...           979 907 800 747 636    
Gross Profit CZK mil ...           580 518 439 371 360    
EBIT CZK mil ...           103 68.5 12.0 6.16 30.3    
Net Profit CZK mil ...           75.2 45.5 12.5 -0.041 19.8    
ROE % ...           32.6 16.8 5.32 -0.021 9.70    
EBIT Margin % ...           10.5 7.55 1.50 0.825 4.77    
Net Margin % ...           7.68 5.02 1.56 -0.005 3.11    
Employees ... ...         968 850 799 700 650    
balance sheet                          
Total Assets CZK mil ...           657 674 562 489 476    
Non-Current Assets CZK mil ...           518 475 332 278 248    
Current Assets CZK mil ...           138 198 220 211 228    
Shareholders' Equity CZK mil ...           270 273 196 195 214    
Liabilities CZK mil ...           387 401 366 294 262    
Non-Current Liabilities CZK mil ...           207 172 102 84.6 60.3    
Current Liabilities CZK mil ...           177 219 258 206 199    
Net Debt/EBITDA ...           1.39 1.69 2.26 2.96 1.98    
Net Debt/Equity % ...           85.1 83.9 89.9 85.9 59.7    
Cost of Financing % ... ...         1.71 2.41 2.98 2.37 1.90    
cash flow                          
Total Cash From Operations CZK mil ... ...         115 64.6 65.6 47.1 43.9    
Total Cash From Investing CZK mil ... ...         -5.70 -24.4 77.7 3.32 -4.70    
Total Cash From Financing CZK mil ... ...         -107 -54.4 -142 -53.9 -32.0    
Net Change In Cash CZK mil ... ...         2.71 -14.2 1.63 -3.49 7.22    
Market Capitalisation USD mil             5.64 5.34 5.30 5.30 5.30    
Enterprise Value (EV) USD mil ...           16.4 15.5 13.1 12.7 10.9    
Number Of Shares mil             1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00    
Share Price CZK             120 120 120 120 120    
Price/Earnings (P/E) ...           1.60 2.63 9.62 -2,927 6.06    
Price/Cash Earnings (P/CE) ...           0.874 1.06 1.53 2.39 2.23    
EV/EBITDA ...           2.34 2.50 3.78 5.07 3.83    
Price/Book Value (P/BV) ...           0.445 0.440 0.612 0.616 0.561    
income statement Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
income statement                          
Sales CZK mil ...           979 907 800 747 636    
Cost of Goods & Services CZK mil ...           399 389 361 376 276    
Material & Energy CZK mil ... ...         331 305 282 282 219    
Services CZK mil ... ...         68.2 84.0 79.3 94.3 57.7    
Gross Profit CZK mil ...           580 518 439 371 360    
Staff Cost CZK mil ...           420 389 380 335 309    
Other Operating Cost (Income) CZK mil ...           -4.77 -6.77 -19.5 -20.1 -13.4    
EBITDA CZK mil ...           165 136 78.2 56.5 64.4    
Depreciation CZK mil ...           62.1 67.2 66.1 50.3 34.1    
EBIT CZK mil ...           103 68.5 12.0 6.16 30.3    
Net Financing Cost CZK mil ...           5.82 5.95 1.69 6.20 5.94    
Financing Cost CZK mil ... ...         4.22 5.83 6.23 4.20 2.94    
Financing Income CZK mil ... ...         0.034 2.81 1.05 0 0    
FX (Gain) Loss CZK mil ... ...         1.64 2.94 -3.49 2.00 3.00    
Extraordinary Cost CZK mil ...           0 0 0 < -0.001 0    
Pre-Tax Profit CZK mil ...           96.8 62.5 10.3 -0.041 24.4    
Tax CZK mil ...           21.7 17.0 -2.15 0 4.60    
Net Profit CZK mil ...           75.2 45.5 12.5 -0.041 19.8    
Net Profit Avail. to Common CZK mil ...           75.2 45.5 12.5 -0.041 19.8    
growth rates                          
Total Revenue Growth % ... ...         3.58 -7.34 -11.8 -6.61 -14.8    
Staff Cost Growth % ... ...         -19.3 -7.37 -2.25 -11.9 -7.77    
EBITDA Growth % ... ...         -6.78 -17.7 -42.4 -27.8 14.2    
EBIT Growth % ... ...         -22.2 -33.3 -82.4 -48.7 393    
Pre-Tax Profit Growth % ... ...         -23.3 -35.4 -83.5 -100 -59,636    
Net Profit Growth % ... ...         -26.2 -39.4 -72.6 -100 -48,416    
ROE % ...           32.6 16.8 5.32 -0.021 9.70    
ROA % ...           11.7 6.84 2.02 -0.008 4.11    
ROCE % ... ...         13.5 7.74 2.32 -0.009 4.84    
Gross Margin % ...           59.2 57.1 54.9 49.7 56.5    
EBITDA Margin % ...           16.8 15.0 9.77 7.56 10.1    
EBIT Margin % ...           10.5 7.55 1.50 0.825 4.77    
Net Margin % ...           7.68 5.02 1.56 -0.005 3.11    
Cost of Financing % ... ...         1.71 2.41 2.98 2.37 1.90    
Net Debt/EBITDA ...           1.39 1.69 2.26 2.96 1.98    
balance sheet Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
balance sheet                          
Cash & Cash Equivalents CZK mil ...           19.9 5.75 7.38 3.90 11.1    
Receivables CZK mil ...           71.8 112 128 155 167    
Inventories CZK mil ...           46.6 80.1 84.9 51.8 49.7    
Other ST Assets CZK mil ...           0 < -0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < -0.001    
Current Assets CZK mil ...           138 198 220 211 228    
Property, Plant & Equipment CZK mil ...           517 475 331 277 248    
LT Investments & Receivables CZK mil ...           < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < -0.001 0    
Intangible Assets CZK mil ...           1.27 0.855 0.473 0.131 0    
Goodwill CZK mil ...           0 0 0 0 0    
Non-Current Assets CZK mil ...           518 475 332 278 248    
Total Assets CZK mil ...           657 674 562 489 476    
Trade Payables CZK mil ...           63.5 63.9 74.4 65.0 65.0    
Short-Term Debt CZK mil ...           70.0 93.6 102 99.0 91.8    
Other ST Liabilities CZK mil ...           43.8 61.8 81.2 42.3 42.3    
Current Liabilities CZK mil ...           177 219 258 206 199    
Long-Term Debt CZK mil ...           180 141 81.7 72.2 46.9    
Other LT Liabilities CZK mil ...           27.6 30.8 20.2 12.4 13.4    
Non-Current Liabilities CZK mil ...           207 172 102 84.6 60.3    
Liabilities CZK mil ...           387 401 366 294 262    
Equity Before Minority Interest CZK mil ...           270 273 196 195 214    
Minority Interest CZK mil ...           0 0 0 0 0    
Equity CZK mil ...           270 273 196 195 214    
growth rates                          
Total Asset Growth % ... ...         4.62 2.49 -16.5 -13.1 -2.52    
Shareholders' Equity Growth % ... ...         40.9 1.03 -28.1 -0.727 9.85    
Net Debt Growth % ... ...         1.85 -0.353 -22.9 -5.14 -23.7    
Total Debt Growth % ... ...   ...     2.84 -6.01 -21.7 -6.83 -19.0    
Total Debt CZK mil ...           250 235 184 171 139    
Net Debt CZK mil ...           230 229 176 167 128    
Working Capital CZK mil ...           55.0 128 139 142 152    
Capital Employed CZK mil ...           573 604 470 419 400    
Net Debt/Equity % ...           85.1 83.9 89.9 85.9 59.7    
Current Ratio ...           0.781 0.903 0.855 1.02 1.14    
Quick Ratio ...           0.517 0.538 0.526 0.770 0.895    
cash flow Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
cash flow                          
Net Profit CZK mil ...           75.2 45.5 12.5 -0.041 19.8    
Depreciation CZK mil ...           62.1 67.2 66.1 50.3 34.1    
Non-Cash Items CZK mil ... ...         0 25.3 -2.89 0 0    
Change in Working Capital CZK mil ... ...         -21.9 -73.5 -10.2 -3.13 -9.99    
Total Cash From Operations CZK mil ... ...         115 64.6 65.6 47.1 43.9    
Capital Expenditures CZK mil ... ...         -5.70 -24.6 77.7 3.32 -4.70    
Other Investing Activities CZK mil ... ...         0 0.155 0.040 0 0    
Total Cash From Investing CZK mil ... ...         -5.70 -24.4 77.7 3.32 -4.70    
Issuance Of Shares CZK mil ... ...         0 -41.0 0 0 0    
Issuance Of Debt CZK mil ... ...         6.89 -15.0 -50.8 -12.6 -32.5    
Total Cash From Financing CZK mil ... ...         -107 -54.4 -142 -53.9 -32.0    
Net Change In Cash CZK mil ... ...         2.71 -14.2 1.63 -3.49 7.22    
Days Sales Outstanding days ...           26.8 45.1 58.4 75.7 95.8    
Days Sales Of Inventory days ...           42.7 75.2 85.8 50.3 65.6    
Days Payable Outstanding days ...           58.1 59.9 75.2 63.1 85.8    
Cash Conversion Cycle days ...           11.4 60.4 69.1 62.9 75.6    
Cash Earnings CZK mil ...           137 113 78.6 50.3 53.9    
Free Cash Flow CZK mil ... ...         110 40.2 143 50.5 39.2    
Capital Expenditures (As % of Sales) % ... ...         0.582 2.71 -9.71 -0.445 0.739    
other ratios Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees ... ...         968 850 799 700 650    
Cost Per Employee USD per month ... ...         1,540 1,742 1,758 1,767 1,756    
Cost Per Employee (Local Currency) CZK per month ... ...         36,134 38,117 39,637 39,844 39,577    
Material & Energy (As % of Sales) % ... ...         33.8 33.7 35.2 37.7 34.4    
Services (As % of Sales) % ... ...         6.97 9.26 9.91 12.6 9.08    
Staff Cost (As % of Sales) % ...           42.9 42.9 47.5 44.8 48.5    
Effective Tax Rate % ...           22.4 27.1 -20.8 0 18.8    
Total Revenue Growth (5-year average) % ... ... ... ... ... ... 137 58.2 26.0 3.54 -7.61    
Total Revenue Growth (10-year average) % ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...    
valuation Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Market Capitalisation USD mil             5.64 5.34 5.30 5.30 5.30    
Enterprise Value (EV) USD mil ...           16.4 15.5 13.1 12.7 10.9    
Number Of Shares mil             1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00    
Share Price CZK             120 120 120 120 120    
EV/EBITDA ...           2.34 2.50 3.78 5.07 3.83    
Price/Earnings (P/E) ...           1.60 2.63 9.62 -2,927 6.06    
Price/Cash Earnings (P/CE) ...           0.874 1.06 1.53 2.39 2.23    
P/FCF ... ...         1.09 2.99 0.838 2.38 3.06    
Price/Book Value (P/BV) ...           0.445 0.440 0.612 0.616 0.561    
Free Cash Flow Yield % ... ...         82.9 34.4 120 42.2 32.8    
Earnings Per Share (EPS) CZK ...           75.2 45.5 12.5 -0.041 19.8    
Cash Earnings Per Share CZK ...           137 113 78.6 50.3 53.9    
Free Cash Flow Per Share CZK ... ...         110 40.2 143 50.5 39.2    
Book Value Per Share CZK ...           270 273 196 195 214    
EV/Sales ...           0.394 0.375 0.369 0.383 0.388    
EV/EBIT ...           3.75 4.96 24.6 46.5 8.13    
EV/Free Cash Flow ... ...         3.51 8.45 2.06 5.67 6.29    
EV/Capital Employed ...           0.610 0.578 0.630 0.685 0.619    
Earnings Per Share Growth % ... ...         -26.2 -39.4 -72.6 -100 -48,416    
Cash Earnings Per Share Growth % ... ...         -6.42 -17.9 -30.3 -36.1 7.26    
Book Value Per Share Growth % ... ...         40.9 1.03 -28.1 -0.727 9.85    

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Montix's Net Debt/EBITDA rose 33.8% yoy to 2.26 in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix's net debt stood at CZK 176 mil and accounted for 89.9% of equity at the end of 2019. The ratio is up 6.03 pp compared to the previous year. Historically, the firm’s net debt to equity reached a high of 226% in 2014 and a low of -170% ...

Montix's ROCE fell 70.0% yoy to 2.32% in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix made a net profit of CZK 12.5 mil in 2019, down 72.6% compared to the previous year. Historically, between 2012 and 2019, the company's net profit reached a high of CZK 102 mil in 2016 and a low of CZK 2.52 mil in 2012. The result implies a return ...

Montix's Capital Expenditures rose 416% yoy to CZK -77.7 mil in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix invested a total of CZK -77.7 mil in 2019, down 416% compared to the previous year. Historically, between 2013 - 2019, the company's investments stood at a high of CZK 24.6 mil in 2018 and a low of CZK -77.7 mil in 2019. As a p...

Montix's P/FCF fell 72.0% yoy to 0.838 in 2019

By Helgi Library - November 26, 2020

Montix stock traded at CZK 120 per share at the end 2019 translating into a market capitalization of USD 5.30 mil. Since the end of 2014, the stock has appreciated by 0% representing an annual average growth of 0%. At the end of 2019, the firm traded at ...

Montix's Share Price remain unchanged yoy at CZK 120 in 2019

By Helgi Library - October 25, 2020

Montix stock traded at CZK 120 per share at the end 2019 implying a market capitalization of USD 5.30 mil. Since the end of 2014, stock has appreciated by % implying an annual average growth of 0% In absolute terms, the value of the company rose by U...

More News

Montix a.s. is a Czech-based company involved in manufacturing of thermoplastic injection moldings for customers mainly in automotive sector. It offers casings for headlamps, back lamps, 3rd brake lights, plastic parts for heating and air-conditioning, parts for the ignition harnesses, covers, holders, lids to tanks, etc.; and screwing stations, 3d measuring, aluminum surface treatment, templates and molds, and coordination of the production process for plastic mould injection. The company serves customers worldwide and has production facilities in Mohelnice and Horka na Morave, in the Czech Republic.

Montix Logo


Montix has been growing its sales by -4.30% a year on average in the last 5 years. EBITDA has fallen on average by 12.2% a year during that time to total of CZK 71.0 mil in 2023, or 9.75% of sales. That’s compared to 9.59% average margin seen in last five years.

The company netted CZK 42.6 mil in 2023 implying ROE of 15.5% and ROCE of 10.8%. Again, the average figures were 9.61% and 5.67%, respectively when looking at the previous 5 years.

Montix’s net debt amounted to CZK 43.4 mil at the end of 2023, or 14.7% of equity. When compared to EBITDA, net debt was 0.612x, down when compared to average of 1.75x seen in the last 5 years.


Montix stock traded at CZK 120 per share at the end of 2023 resulting in a market capitalization of USD 5.30 mil. Over the previous five years, stock price grew by 0% or 0% a year on average. The closing price put stock at a 12-month trailing EV/EBITDA of 2.29x and price to earnings (PE) of 2.82x as of 2023.

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